IMAL Preprints

Esta serie reúne las ediciones previas de trabajos de investigación que serán sometidos a referato en revistas de la disciplina.

Quienes quieran publicar sus preprints, disponen de una Guía para autores.

A continuación se listan los IMAL Preprints clasificados por año de edición.


0071 Weakly porous sets and A1 Muckenhoupt weights in spaces of homogeneous type
0070 Interior BMO-estimates and local weights
0069 On the evolution of topological connectivity by thresholding of affinities. An application to public transport
0068 Fisher-Riemann geometry for nonparametric probability densities


0067 Boundedness for fractional integral of the Bi-Harmonic Schrödinger operator
0066 Variation operators associated with semigroups generated by Hardy operators involving fractional laplacians in a half space
0065 Modelo SEIR-V multi-variante geoestocástico aplicado al estudio de la pandemia de COVID-19
0064 Filtration Evolution of Hypergraphs: A Novel Approach to Studying Multidimensional Dataset
0063 BLO spaces associated with Laguerre polynomial expansions


0062 Characterizations of local  weights and applications to local singular integrals
0061-DData analysis and the metric evolution of hypergraphs
0060 - IIdentication of the heterogeneous conductivity in an inverse heat conduction problem
0059 Large-scale homogeneity and isotropy versus fine-scale condensation. A model based on Muckenhoupt type densities
0058 Endpoint estimates for harmonic analysis operators associated with Laguerre polynomial expansions
0057 Haar wavelet characterization of dyadic Lipschitz regularity


0056 Diffusive metrics induced by random affnities on graphs. An application to the transport systems related to the COVID-19 setting for Buenos Aires (AMBA)
0055 A graph complexity measure based on the spectral analysis of the Laplace operator
0054 On the structure of the diffusion distance induced by the fractional dyadic laplacian
0053 Affinity kernels on measure spaces and maximal operators
0052 Boundedness and compactness for commutators of singular integrals related to a critical radius function
0051 Boundedness of operators related to a degenerate Schrödinger semigroup


0050 Singular integrals with variable kernels in dyadic settings
0049 Boundedness and concentration of random singular integrals defined by wavelet summability kernels
0048 Approximating the identity of convolution with random mean and random variance
0047 On generalized divergence and Laplace operators as a matter of division of distributions
0046 Kirchhoff divergence and diffusions associated to transport probability measures
0045 On Frinks type metrization of weighted graphs
0044 Partial derivatives, singular integrals and Sobolev spaces in dyadic settings


0043 Poset Product and BL-Algebras
0042 Weighted inequalities of Fefferman-Stein type for Riesz-Schödinger transforms


0041 On the Calderón-Zygmund structure of Petermichl’s kernel. Weighted inequalities
0040 Regularity of Maximal Functions Associated to a Critical Radius Function
0039 Uniform spaces and the Newtonian structure of (big)data affinity kernels
0038 The dyadic fractional diffusion kernel as a central limit
0037 Heavy tailed approximate identities and σ-stable Markov kernels


0036 Radial-type Muckenhoupt weights
0035 Uniform approximation of Muckenhoupt weights on fractals by simple functions
0034 Algorithms for the implementation of adaptive isogeometric methods using hierarchical splines
0033 Adaptive control of local errors for elliptic problems using weighted Sobolev norms
0032 Democracy of Haar type systems in spaces of homogeneous type


0031 Approximation of solution of fractional diffusions in compact metric measure spaces
0030 New refinable spaces and local approximation estimates for hierarchical splines
0029 Bessel potentials in Ahlfors regular metric spaces
0028 Nonlocal Schrödinger equations in metric measure spaces
0027 Nonlocal diffusions on fractals. Qualitative properties and numerical approximations


0026 S-Minimal value set polynomials and an identity of Lenstra
0025 Continuous time random walks and the Cauchy problem for the heat equation
0024 Dyadic non local diffusion in metric measure spaces
0023 On a dissolution-diffusion model. Existence, uniqueness, regularity and simulations
0022 Continuous and localized Riesz bases for L2 spaces defined by Muckenhoupt weights
0021 Mixed spatially varying l2-bv regularization of inverse ill-posed problems
0020 Gradual doubling property of Hutchinson orbits
0019 Directional convergence of spectral regularization method associated to families of closed operators
0018 Muckenhoupt weights with singularities on closed lower dimensional sets in spaces of homogeneous type
0017 Powers of distances to lower dimensional sets as Muckenhoupt weights
0016 An extension of Newton-Sobolev spaces for curves not measured by arc length
0015 An extension theorem for Besov functions on metric spaces
0014 Existence, uniqueness and regularity for a dissolution-diffusion model


0013 Mean value formulas for solutions of some degenerate elliptic equations and applications
0012 Dyadic non local diffusion. The pointwise convergence to the initial data


0011 On the existence of global saturation for spectral regularization methods with optimal qualification
0010 A posteriori error estimates for elliptic problems with Dirac measure terms in weighted spaces
0009 Existence, uniqueness and stability of minimizers of generalized Tikhonov-Phillips functionals
0008 On dyadic nonlocal Schrödinger equations with Besov initial data
0007 Approximation classes for adaptive higher order finite element approximation
0006 Estimating Sufficient Reductions of the Predictors in Abundant High-Dimensional Regressions
0005 Classes of weights related to Schrödinger operators
0004 Riesz Transforms related to Schrödinger Operators acting on BMO Type Spaces
0003 Commutators of Riesz Transforms related to Schrödinger Operators
0002 Regularization methods for ill-posed problems in multiple Hilbert scales
0001 Smoothness improvement for temperatures in terms of the Besov Regularity of initial and Dirichlet data

Publicaciones del IMAL: IMAL Preprints

ISSN 2451-7100
Instituto de Matemática Aplicada del Litoral «Dra. Eleonor Harboure»
Colectora Ruta Nac. 168 – km 472, Paraje El Pozo
3000 Santa Fe, Argentina
Tel: (+54)342-4511370, Int. 4001/3
Fax: (+54)342-4510368

Directora: Dra. Estefanía Dalmasso –
Comité Editorial: Dr. Hugo Aimar, Dr. Oscar Salinas, Dr. Rubén Spies, Dra. Beatriz Viviani
Colaboradores: Dr. Mauricio Ramseyer, Lic. Marcela Porta